The animation of Jungle Dunk
Working in a small team as a game artist and animator
Rigging • Skinning • Animation • Animation BluePrints
Jungle Dunk is a 4vs4 platformer game in which teamplay is key to score the most fruits in the volcano.
This game was my and my team's graduation project. It has been made in Unreal Engine 4.
Become an agile and silly monkey to join in a game of... ball? Try and score more points than your foes. While fruits make the most points, why stop there? Throw your enemies into the volcano or one of your friends to reach heights at an incredible speed!
I was mostly responsible for the character arts, rigging and animations. It was a rather small team and worked closely to the programmers and game designers to make sure the animations would add ton of fun to the overall experience. It was very important for us that the characters were on one hand endearing, and on the other hand, the movements showed a lot of agility and the controller felt responsive.
Players were limited in their movements when holding an object. To make it more obvious, monkeys have two sets of locomotion, running on fours or walking on their back legs.