The 2D animation of Go Go Magnet!

Is it a sprint or a marathon? Giving life to a humongous cast

Rigging • Skinning • Animation

Go Go Magnet! is a fishing adventure mobile game made by game studio OhBibi!,
It is available to download from Google play store and Apple's App store.

Go Go Magnet! is a game in which the player has a lot of crew member to collect and equip on their ship. I rigged skinned and animated over one hundred characters using Spine2D for the game. During that time I was in close collaboration with the 2D artists and made a project-specific workflow documentation for both the artists and new animators on the project to streamline collaboration.

Since the appeal of the collection was focused on quantity and individuality, my goal was to focus on humor and expressivity in my animations.
The rhythm of production was very fast-paced, I was rigging, skinning, animating and setting up in Unity 2 to 3 characters per day.

Here are some characters I animated as seen in game menus.

Beside the characters, I got to animate the intro of the game.
I discussed how to make it possible with the director/programmer and helped the 2D artist cut and add small details to the art (added some other sprites for the eyes, mouths, splashes of water...). Each panel has a start animation followed by a looping animation to allow the panel to stay animated on screen, waiting for the interaction of the player.

Most of my Spine2D work has been for Go Go Magnet!, but I also did some for BEAST!